Efficient references...

dimanche 29 janvier 2023

Select and optimise the reference(s) for the exam

- Watch one or several of the videos under the links below
- Make a short (20 to 50 words MAXIMUM) catchy summary of one or several of the famous persons, periods or events listed below.

NB : the videos might lead to you deciding to imake several captions on related subjects.

Famous people

Harriet Tubman
Emmeline Pankhurst
Emily Davison
John Fitzgerald Kennedy He was the 35th President of the USA. Won the 1950 Presidential Election against Richard Nixon. He was the youngest elected president, and the youngest to die in service when he was assassinated in 1963 at the age of 46. He is known for fighting against racial segregation, but also for launching the Apollo program to send a manned mission on the moon.
Nelson Mandela Born 1918, began British education at 7 (named Nelson) and ran away to avoid a pre-arranged marriage. Became a lawyer. Wanted to establish a democratic government. Struggle with non violent civil disobedience, but later turned to terrorism (no one was ever hurt, only buildings). Was arrested and sentenced to life emprisonment. Spent 27 years in prison (Robben island). Elected as the first black President of South Africa in 1994 and had been awarded a joint Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 with the former President, Frederic De Klerk.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Considered as the Father of the Indian Nation. His birthday is a bank holiday in India (2nd October). Spiritual guide and leader of the fight against injustice. He was a lawyer by profession. He was key to the Indepence of India in 1947.
Chief Sitting Bull
Chief Crazy Horse Crazy Horse Memorial located in South Dakota. Fought his whole life to defend tribal rights (he was part of the Lakota Nation). On June 25, 1876, Native American forces led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeat the U.S. Army troops of Lt. Col. Custer in the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Events or periods

The rabbit-proof fence of Australia
The underground railroad
England’s Golden Age
Australian penal colonies
Legacy of Canada’s residential schools Schools for indigenous children separated from their parents. Started in 1883, mandatory from 1920 to the 1970s. The government formally apologized in 2008. Thousands of deaths were caused by this policy ; 80 000 survivors have lived with this trauma.
The Australian Stolen Generation Between the 1940s and 1970s, the governement policy in Australia was to remove indigenous children from their families to place them into white foster care. They are named The Stolen Generation. In 2008, the Australian PM Kevin Rudd formally apologized to them.
Waitangi Day


Mount Rushmore
The Statue of Liberty
Uluru British settlers called it Ayers Rock, it’s situated on the territory of the Anangu people (Aboriginal tribe). Ownership given back in 1985. Climbing Uluru is forbidden since 2017.

Others ?

If you think of references that could be useful for the class, please tell your teacher.

Writing a summary

A summary has several important features :

- it’s short
- talks about the main idea
- provides important information that make the main idea easy to understand and excludes unnecessary information.
- uses your own words, though some key words from the original story are acceptable.

F.A.C.T. Use these four steps to write a summary

- Step 1 Focus : describe the main. Be specific.
- Step 2. Analyze : The summary should include enough information to answer basic questions, like who what, where, when, why and how. However, the summary should not include all of the details. Seeing what’s important, and what’s not, is a skill that can be learned over time with practice.
- Step 3. Conclude. For your exam refrences, you’ll need to link the reference to the subject (so you may prepare more than one ending, depending on the subject).
- Step 4. Edit : editing your text means to remove unnecessary words or details. The summary should focus on describing the main idea.