Webquest Dracula

jeudi 5 janvier 2012
par Me Esse, agnesueur

Ouvrez le document Word ci après pour préparer la sortie au théâtre.

Avant de voir la pièce ou l’une des adaptation scinématographiques de Dracula, il ya quelques éléments que vous devez connaître :

-  Romania, and Transylvania, where Dracula was born.
-  Prince VladIII.
-  Bram Stocker.
-  The plot and the characters.
-  The play

A) Prince Vlad III

Who was he ? (full name, birth, death, nickname, character, reign, meaning of the word “Dracula”, link between this real character and the fictional Count Dracula from Stocker’s novel) Present your findings in a short paragraph.

B) Romania and Transylvania : the place where Dracula was born. What are the following places ? Use information from this page to present the 3 places
-  Sighisoara
-  SnagovMonastery
-  PoenariFortress

Place Transylvania and Dracula’s castle on an empty map of Romania, and name the various bordering countries, the rivers and cities spotted.

C) The author : Bram Stocker.

Fill in the blanks to complete his biography :

He was born in ……………….. He was ………………. (nationality) Bram Stocker was the ………………………. of seven children. In 1878, he ……………………………………. with ………………………………………., who, at that time, happened to be Oscar Wilde’s girlfriend. He published “Dracula”, which is an ………………………………. novel, in ……………………. He was inspired by places like ………………………….. (North Yorkshire) and ………………………………… (Aberdeenshire) Stocker died of ………………………………………… in ………………….. His ashes were placed in a display urn in ……………………………………………………….

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Articles de la rubrique

  • Webquest Dracula