
mardi 16 octobre 2012
par Me Esse

JPEG - 7.8 ko Watch this famous painting by Ford Madox Brown here

You can watch this report from the BBC about a Pre-Raphaelite exhibition here.

To know more about the exhibition at London Tate Britain gallery, follow this link.

Here is a video about the famous painting by Millais : Isabella.

1) The painter : find information here.

-  Dates
-  Artistic movement
-  2 or 3 contemporary artists
-  2 or 3 paintings

2) The painting :

You can read this page to understand the painting, and watch the video below.

Use the link to explore the painting

investigate the painting and answer these questions :

- who were the "Peelers" ?
- What is the little urchin girl eating instead of sweets ?
- What is a Tommy bag ?
- How were the streets lighted in those days ?

The objects : What do they represent ?

- the black ribbon
- beer
- bricks
- posters

The characters : identify 5 characters and listen to what they have to say. Choose one and present him/her. focus on the different social classes represented in the painting : the Upper class, the Middle class and the Working class.

Take the quiz to finish your quest.

3) BBC report (watch the video) :

Answer the questions :

-  What is opening in London Tate Britain ?
-  What characterized the Pre-Raphaelite painting ?
-  What was their goal ?
-  What did their artistic movement inspire ?
-  Identify the painting in the second part of the report.
-  Find information about the brotherhood : members, meeting place, date of creation and of duration, influence.