Born Free South Africa

mercredi 11 octobre 2023
par agnesueur


First, DO THE TEST on grammatical tenses :

Watch this video, about how in 2013, two generations viewed Mandela :

NB : the document is 1.30mn long, but the video is edited to feature 3 viewing, with a pause of 1mn in between 2.

1. Recap the two opinions, using the different forms of PAST and/or PRESENT. 2. Use the adequate form to link these prompts in one sentence each time :
- be born / Mandela(choose a suitable verb) in/from prison
- grow up / apartheid
- be told / Mandela was a
- become an exchange student / begin to see things differently
- meet Nelson Mandela / (reaction/feeling)
- be released from prison / not keep a grudge (= resent / have negative feelings to...)
- Mandela’s legacy

South Africa’s Born-Free generation


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Loyiso Mkize, an artist who sees superheroes in the born-free South-Africans