Media Literacy - Checkology

vendredi 10 septembre 2021
par agnesueur

During this session, you will work online, following a video that will alternatively teach you about different aspects of Media Literacy, and giving you tests to see whether you understood the issue at hand.

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Click this link or the image above to start.

Remember to write down the important information (definitions, vocabulary...) while working, in order to start memorizing.
- take notes
- draw a mindmap if you prefer

Here’s a site to check your news and have clear definitions of each type of publication.

Let’s debate a little...
- If someone unknowingly spreads a falsehood, do they have the same responsibility as someone who purposedly spreads it ? Why ?
- Why should we care about misinformation ?


Follow-up work :

Homework : Learn the important vocabulary thanks to the online quizlet list your teacher prepared for you. There are different types of exercise, such as
- CARDS : look through the list with the equivalent or definition attached to each card
- LEARN mode : match the word and its defintion/equivalent
- WRITE : the defintion or equivalent is given, you only have to write the corresponding word
- DICTATION : a voice gives a word or expression, you write it down (yes, it’s that simple, and the defintion or equivalent is even mentioned at the bottom, to help you !)
- TEST : the software randomly selects some of the elements to test your global knowledge
- ASSOCIATE : like in a memory game, you match the word and its defnition or equivalent
- GRAVITY : type the right word before the asteroids hit Planet earth... Supposed to test your quickness of mind... and skills at typing !
- The LIVE mode can only be done if several participants play together, easier to do it in class.

Mindmap summarising the lesson on media literacy / misinformation

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