Authors and characters

jeudi 21 novembre 2013
par Me Esse

Use this document to learn more about four masters of suspense :

PDF - 975.6 ko

Watch this video :

- find information about the novel from which it was adapted.

- Present and describe the characters. (How are they related ?)

- Explain the relationship between the 3 characters in the first part. Say what is obvious and try to guess why they behave like that. (make hypotheses)

- Say a few words about the statue and what the woman says about it.

- In the second part, describe the scene and the woman’s activity. Say what we learn about the woman’s financial situation. Describe her husband’s attitude.

- This is a crime story. Guess who is going to be killed, by whom and why. If you cannot guess, use this site or that one to find the answer.


Articles de la rubrique