Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation video

samedi 1er février 2014
par Me Esse

Narrated by Leonardo Di Caprio for the 10th anniversary of Global Green, USA

Pre-understanding activity : see paper worksheet

These are important words in the video, listen to them, then match the words with their translation :

Pour entendre le son de ces mots, allez sur acapela,
- sélectionnez la voix américaine de Ryan
- tapez ou copiez-collez le mot dans la fenêtre
- appuyez sur OK pour entendre la prononciation

finite resource charbon
oil pétrole
gas gaz
fuel essence
coal énergies fossiles

Part 1 : (ends around 1:44mn)

Watching activities

Vous pouvez réécouter la vidéo autant de fois que nécessaire.

Answer the questions while and after watching the video (you can play it as many times as you need)


- How many planets are there like the Earth ?

- Fill in the blanks with the words that you hear in the video. Write down the correct answers.

“ But something is ……………. . The life sustaining systems on this planet are …………. …………….. What happened ? …………… Human civilization in a relentless …………………..……. has brought this planet to the break. But specifically, our destructive………………… to one single resource may push us over the edge. And that resource is ……... .

- Which are the four finite resources that are mentioned ? Write them down : ……………………………………………………………………………………….


- Fill in the blanks with the words you hear in the video. Write down the correct answers.

"How ? The accumulated ………………… causes the atmosphere to trap more of the ………’s heat. The Earth’s surface temperature is actually going …………….. . This is what is known as …………………………………….. .”

Part 2

Watching activities (second part of the video)

Vous pouvez réécouter la vidéo autant de fois que nécessaire.

- Answer the questions while and after watching the video (you can play it as many times as you need)


In this extract, two parts can be found :
- Choose the correct title for each part.

Part 1

- Tropical Paradise for everyone
- Global warming and its consequences
- Future weather forecast
- A new ice age

Part 2

- Finding a new planet
- Yes, we can (find solutions)
- Heal the world
- What a wonderful world

- Which modal is used several times in this part of the video ?

- Why ?


Articles de la rubrique