Préparation PPC sujets annexes

mardi 9 décembre 2014
par agnesueur

- The Freedom Riders

The Freedom writers chose their name after the Freedom Riders.

JPEG - 22.7 ko

Find links with their story here : 1 2

Or watch this video, explaining the Freedom rides :

- Jim Crow laws

- The second Amendment to the US constitution

with the right to bear arms.

- The Rodney King Verdict

Apr 29, 1992 : THE POLICE VERDICT ; Los Angeles Policemen Acquitted in Taped Beating
Four Los Angeles police officers were acquitted of assault today in the videotaped beating of a black motorist (Rodney King) that stunned the nation. The verdicts immediately touched off a storm of anger and scattered violence in the city.
from New York Times online, April 30 1992
detailed article about the verdict

- Recent events in the USA

In Ferguson, New-York city, and elsewhere... Follow the link for more information.


Articles de la rubrique