First encounters...

vendredi 22 novembre 2019
par agnesueur


Describe this document, then try and guess its title. Justify your choice. JPEG - 28.5 ko Tavar Zawacki (aka Above) 2009 Berlin

Group work :

Each group will work on a different document, but the guidelines are the same for all :

The story
- Describe the initial situation (character(s), place, feelings)
- What is the problem ?
- Evolution (solution ?)
- Ending

Your view
- Sum-up your opinion about the document you have worked on (Would you recommend it ?)
- Give your analysis on the point of view adopted here.

Every group will then present their work, but not show the document. At the end of the presentations, everyone will vote (grade from 0 to 5) on each document. We’ll see which one(s) are more likely to get more views after this class...


Title and link

1 Paperman
2 Print your guy
3 Commuter love
4 How I met your mother
5 Somewhere in Brooklyn
6 The Meet Cute
7 Every little thing she does is magic


JPEG - 127.9 ko

- descrive the scene:setting, characters and their body language.
- From their attitude, deduce their feelings.
- Analyse how the focus is put on characters : visual effect in the background aand point of view. Justify the choice of black & white.
- Explain why a station is a good place for a "meet cute".
- Imagine the conversation between the two characters.

Now compare with this scene with the short film "The Meet Cute"...